Melancholic. Intense. Deep. Epic. "Voltæ (Chthulucene)" is the sixth opus by FOUDRE!, a trio featuring Frédéric D. Oberland (Oiseaux-Tempête), Romain Barbot (Saåad), and Paul Régimbeau (Mondkopf). A tribute to electricity and telluric forces, a complete celebration of life, "Voltæ (Chthulucene)" takes a twist resolutely post-techno. Emancipatory alloy of English rave, punk urgency, and electronica, with strange and electrifying echoes of ancient trad sounds. The album emerges as a powerful electronic masterpiece, consisting of 8 tracks whose narrative dimension evokes the score of a sci-fi movie, transporting us through the labyrinths of a neo-Lovecraftian vision, into a post-AKIRA world where human and non-human life could (re)become possible, where all forms of (sur)living beings could cohabit once again... With this first work recorded in studio, FOUDRE! Unveils an hybrid and telepathic orchestra, composed of analog synthesizers and modular systems organically connected to acoustic instruments (baglama, winds, percussion, vocals), forming a kind of neural network twinkling at the heart of the night.