Directed by Elia Kazan from a screenplay by Budd Schulberg, this incisive satire is an eerily prescient diagnosis of the toxic intimacy between media and politics in American life. Starring Patricia Neal and Andy Griffith, brandishing his charm in an uncharacteristically sinister role in his debut screen performance.
Directed by Elia Kazan from a screenplay by Budd Schulberg, this incisive satire is an eerily prescient diagnosis of the toxic intimacy between media and politics in American life. Starring Patricia Neal and Andy Griffith, brandishing his charm in an uncharacteristically sinister role in his debut screen performance.
Directed by Elia Kazan from a screenplay by Budd Schulberg, this incisive satire is an eerily prescient diagnosis of the toxic intimacy between media and politics in American life. Starring Patricia Neal and Andy Griffith, brandishing his charm in an uncharacteristically sinister role in his debut screen performance.