A guided journey through a series of incantationsThroughout human history the flute has been closely associated with mystical ritual and states of meditationand reflection. This is as true of Sufism, the Hindu deity Krishna as well as the Japanese shakuhachi- whose origins are shrouded in Buddhist mystery - and the many biblical references of the flute. Often ithas been seen as symbolising either the breath or the heart of God. In addition to these profound spiritualassociations of the flute, it has also been linked to celebrations of nature through countless folkloric talesfrom around the world. Every piece on this disc is in some way linked to ideas of mystical spaces andplaces - each an incantation. Our guide (il nostro Guido) on this disc is the flautist Roberto Fabbriciani -whose work I have held in the highest regard for many years. I am very proud indeed to be able to counthim as a dear friend and collaborator. He provided me with my first international commission (this has already)passed/passing aperformance of which you can hear on this disc.This is the first portrait disc of my work to be commercially released and I am delighted that this comesabout as a fruit of my continued friendship with maestro Fabbriciani.